Invest in Their Food!


Hey Parents! I know you’re tired! I totally get it!

I have a two- and four-year-old, and my two-year-old STILL doesn’t sleep through the night! We’re exhausted over here. Trust me, I know that when we’re tired and in a rush, it’s so much easier to give the kids a bowl of cereal, some toast with jelly, a pop tart, chicken nuggets, or just pop some frozen waffles in the oven and drown them in syrup. I’ve been there—I’ve done it all! There’s no judgment here.

But after six years of diving deeper into real nutrition and learning every day, I’ve realized that these shortcuts—relying on conventional processed foods—are seriously harmful and offer almost no nutritional value. I now understand that this ‘any food will do’ convenience (and even desperation) is not doing my family, especially my kids, any favors. By rushing or being too tired to feed them what they really need, I’m shortchanging their long-term health, development, and potentially creating an unhealthy dependence on sugar and grains.

We work so hard to invest in our kids' education, college funds, extracurricular activities, and we worry about their screen time. We want them to get plenty of exercise and live happy lives because we want the best opportunities for them! But more often than not, we rush through the biggest opportunity we have to impact their lives and future generations—the food they eat. Feeding them foods rich in natural nutrients, healthy fats, and antioxidants is the key to providing them with a body and brain that will grow strong and be truly healthy.

My research on Primal Eating has been a wake-up call, and I believe this approach to food is the foundation of a long, healthy life.

You might think this is just another overused warning about kids eating their vegetables, but it’s SO much more!

Did you know that the food we feed our kids can actually alter their genetic expression? Over time, this can even affect the genes they pass on to their own children—and their grandchildren. WHAT WE EAT CAN DIRECTLY AFFECT HOW OUR GENES FUNCTION! This impact can be either positive or negative, depending on the source, composition, and amount of food we consume. But don’t just take my word for it:

“More than just determining your fixed heritage traits, genes are responsible for continually directing the production of proteins that control how your body functions every second. Genes turn on or off only in response to signals they receive from the environment surrounding them—signals that you provide based on the types of food you eat, the types of exercise you do (or don’t do), your sleeping habits, sun exposure, and so on.”

—Mark Sisson, Author of The Primal Blueprint

What I ate during my pregnancy could have affected my baby’s genes even before she was born. What does that mean? In short, we’re all born with genes that are naturally wired to help us thrive, especially in a clean, natural environment. These genes are designed to help our bodies burn fat, grow strong, fight disease, and more. But when we eat a poor diet (like the conventional American diet), those genes can become "lazy" from the lack of nutrients or from harmful, chemical-laden foods. Essentially, the genes don’t function as they were designed to. What we feed our children directs how their genes perform. If their genes don’t function well, they can pass those "lazy" genes down to their own children—and so the cycle continues.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. To dive deeper, I highly recommend Deep Nutrition by Dr. Cate Shanahan. But for a quick intervention, I suggest cutting out vegetable oils and insulin-spiking foods like grains (yes, all bread) and sugar. Instead, replace them with healthy fats, fresh meats, raw vegetables, and limited amounts of fruit. Healthy fats like avocado oil, olive oil, coconut oil, organic butter, organic eggs, full-fat cheeses, and whole milk not only offer superior nutrition—they also taste 100x better!

You may wonder: are grains and sugar really that harmful? My pantry is full of grain-based products and sugary foods. Should I use them up before making a change? I get it—feeding a family on a budget is tough, and it’s hard to toss out food you’ve already bought. But I’ll tell you this: health science and Primal Eating will convince you that these processed foods aren’t real food. Here’s why:

When we feed our kids grains and sugar, it makes it harder for them to stay focused and energized throughout the day. Grain-based carbs and sugar both spike insulin levels, which leads to a drop in energy and hunger within just a couple of hours. It’s similar to how a marathon runner burns glucose (sugar) as their fuel source—constantly needing to consume more carbs to keep going. Kids who are glucose-dependent (from sugar and grains) will likely hit an energy low during the day and need another glucose boost to get back on track. Over time, this glucose-crash-glucose-crash cycle can lead to health issues, with childhood obesity being the most visible and tragic outcome.

The alternative to this carb- and sugar-heavy diet is Primal Eating. By focusing on fresh, raw vegetables, healthy fats, and proteins (such as avocado, eggs, chicken, and bone broth), we can optimize our bodies to burn fat for energy. This is the original (primal) human energy source—and it’s perfectly designed, just like most natural systems. Metabolizing fat for energy doesn’t cause the abrupt crashes that come from glucose dependence. Primal man ate plenty of plants and animals, sustaining himself over long periods without needing constant refueling. The best part of this fat-burning, all-natural approach to eating? It leads to better health and longevity. On the other hand, eating conventional, industrial, FDA-approved foods that are glucose-heavy results in poor mental and physical health, illness, and reliance on medications.

Now, let’s talk about brain function. Studies show that low-fat diets actually reduce intelligence in animals! What we eat affects our brain function—both in the present and for future generations. Let’s give our kids the upper hand! By feeding them healthy fats, we’re giving their genes and brains the fuel they need to function as nature intended.

Planning to have children? Maybe you’re pregnant now—changing your approach to food by choosing healthy fats, low carbohydrates, and minimal processed sugar can strengthen your genes and those of your unborn child. I’m not a doctor or scientist, and I don’t pretend to be, but as a motivated mom who reads everything I can to learn about giving my kids the healthiest life possible, I’m sharing what I’ve learned with you.

Let’s slow down and make food a priority. If we don’t have time to feed our kids nutritious food, maybe the activities we’re rushing to should take a backseat—not the meal. I know school mornings are hectic, but starting the day with fresh eggs, avocado, peppers, bacon, or other healthy options will keep them fueled all day long and set them up with good eating habits for life.

Eat well,


Philly Cheese Chicken Wrap