Grandmom’s Paleo Pancakes

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I’ve got to give it to my mom, when I told her about the new way I was going to feed my family (which is actually the OLD WAY because our society has just gotten a little lost) she was on board. She gets it… she knows the American Standard Diet is a joke. When we stayed with her this summer, during our move, she was great at helping us stay on track with our lifestyle, even though I was out of my own kitchen! Though we were still eating healthy food she wanted to be able to give the girls good ole Grandmom type treats like PANCAKES! My mom came up with a Paleo Pancake recipe!! I have made many paleo pancakes and most of them are ok, just never ok enough that I would make them twice. BUT MY MOM’S PANCAKES ARE INSANELY DELICIOUS!

First she googled around to find out what went into a paleo pancake in the first place, because this was all new to her, and then she tweaked recipes until she made it her own. You’ve got to know my mom. She is the QUEEN OF DOCTORING RECIPES! There isn’t recipe anywhere that didn’t taste better after she got a hold of it! I’m pretty sure she has never followed a recipe in her life!

So without further ado here’s my mom’s Paleo Pancakes!



1/4 Cup Coconut Flour

1/8 t Baking Soda

Pinch of Salt

1/3 Cup of coconut milk (Full Fat Always) or more depending if you like thin pancakes like I do. I use whole milk for the kids sometimes instead of coconut milk. Either one works.

2 T Avocado Oil

3 Eggs

2 T Honey or Swerve Sweetener for my Keto Friends

1/2 t Pure Vanilla Extract



In a bowl mix together the Eggs, Avocado Oil, and Honey (or Swerve)

Add in the Coconut Milk & Vanilla

Mix in the Coconut Flour, Baking Soda, & Salt

Mix well. I find that it’s easier to blend, if I mix with a fork.

Add some Avocado oil to a skillet over medium high heat. Drop in a dab of batter to see if the temp is ready. If the batter sizzle it’s ready!

Using a measuring cup drop in about 1/3 of a CUP of the batter (more or less depending on how big you want your pancake).

The pancake won’t bubble like traditional pancakes so keep a good eye on it so you don’t burn it.

NOW COMES THE FUN PART!!! These pancakes are a little tough to flip with a spatula, so I find it easier and more fun to FLIP THE PANCAKE IN THE AIR!!! Hahaha, that’s right. Make sure you get enough oil in the skillet so the cake slides around easily, then FLIP THAT SUCKER!BE BRAVE! And yes, I have destroyed a few pancakes this way, but they taste good anyway! You will get the hang of the flip after a few tries. I promise!

Serve immediately with warm 100% Pure Maple Syrup or fresh berries, if you’re keeping it Keto.

Eat well, Kate


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